Day 365

Day 365

I have an idea for a guitar this morning, coming direct to me from someone who has been with me through this entire process – except that she gives me this suggestion from Key West, which puts me in the position of simultaneously loving her steadfast loyalty through both the good and bad of this project, and a kind of stabbing resentment at what I imagine are her first languid moments of the day, probably on a balcony with coffee and fresh local fruit overlooking a sun drenched ocean in vaguely the direction of Cuba.

Give me a minute.  I’m thinking.  Trying to scramble up the muddy hillside to the high road, but having some trouble…

So she asks if, in my collections of everything, I might not have cigar boxes.  I thought that maybe I did, but as it turns out, I have one.  It is exactly the right shape and size to house cocktail napkins and is emblazoned with the visage of George Washington.  How Washington Cigars came to make the leap between them and the Father of Our Country beggars my imagination, but well, there you are.  I am from Washington State.  For me, the connection was obvious.  So, not enough cigar boxes for a guitar.  I do, however, have a very pleasant collection of wine crates.  This too, makes more sense in the context of me than any number of cigar boxes might ever…so Guitar 365 of 365 Guitars is made of these things that make sense.  Almost as if sense is what I can make of the entire project.

365_365 GuitarsSo, as to this being the 365th entry.  I still have a couple of days to fill, in view that I have some kind of poetic notion that the project should run until 14 January, but I’m thinking now that I will be looking back over the last few hundred guitars and trying to find my ten favorites.  I will try to get 5 of them up tomorrow, and the final 5 on the 14th.  Then I will be done.  I have to admit a certain relief, mixed with wonder as the project comes to a close, but I was reminded this morning that I will be finding guitars around me forever.

Small case in point.  I went to breakfast this morning and took my sunglasses off when I got to the table.  Something caught my eye on the glasses as I laid them aside.  I picked them up and looked more closely.  Bear in mind, these were the emergency darks I ran into Walmart and picked up at random the day I left for New Jersey without glasses.  Sunlight bouncing off of snow is brutal and I had a headache and about three minutes.  I grabbed the first pair that didn’t have sparkly things on them and got back on the road.  This is what I found this morning – about two weeks later…365a_365 Guitars